In many states across America, courts have played an important role in determining whether funding for public education is adequate. So far, in California, the courts have said, “NO. This is not something for the courts. The legislature has to deal with this."
Hey, what PTA couldn't use an extra $1,000? We've just completed our most recent drawing, and the winners are...
There are never magic answers in education... but based on research, early learning comes pretty close.
Whoa, that's different! Traditional maps can get in the way of understanding, because they are fundamentally about places, not about people. Here's another way of looking at it.
After-school programs make a difference for kids, but funding for them haven't changed in ten years. This might change...
A bit of money from Washington, some pressure from Sacramento, and a big push from the PTA are fueling efforts to increase family engagement in schools.
Most people now agree that public education should provide a realistic ladder of opportunity for EACH student. This is a rather new and radical ideal.
The dream calls for a village: a future in which schools, government agencies, philanthropies and families work together to solve the problems that get in the way of a bright future for every child.
Here are five sites we find particularly useful and reliable, and descriptions of what we like about them.
A few years ago, I admitted something to my kids that I had concealed for a long time: I don’t like peanut butter… yet. In school, kids are asked to learn things that challenge them. Not every flavor of learning is automatically tasty to every student.
After years of false starts, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) has been consigned to history. Here's what you need to know about the Every Child Succeeds Act (ESSA), its successor.
It's true that this budget delivers $3,000 dollars per student more than the budget at the trough of the recession did. But this is like measuring the distance from the bottom of a grave to the top of the pile of dirt that will fill it back in. The proposed budget does not make California’s scho
The extra funding for schools this year is enough to get us out of the hole, but falls well short of providing what California's schools need. We list a few of the improvements our schools need--things that people in most other states just take for granted.
Whenever elections end, the media machine goes suddenly silent. The people elected on November 4 will influence your school in ways big and small. Who won, and by how much? Do you know where to look for the answers? Image: I Voted - CC Vox Efx
As we think about ways to improve our schools, the idea of helping kids see the importance of their school work often comes up. Turns out there are a lot of people working on ways to not only get kids to ask the question "why am I learning this?" but to help them to answer it.
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