On the surface, California's new draft budget seems great. But it does little to really change the state's skimpy investment in children. This post explains.
Thinking of running for school board? Here's what you need to know first, practically speaking.
January kicks off the annual debate about how much California invests in schools. We've put together five important questions to help you move the discussion toward topics that matter.
December 15 is Bill of Rights Day, commemorating the 1791 ratification of ten crucial amendments to the US Constitution. It's a good time to consider issues we face in America today. Rights are complicated, and the Bill of Rights left a lot undone.
Congratulations to the winners of the first Ed100 drawing of the 2017-18 school year! Checks are on their way to the PTAs of five lucky schools!
My muse struck: Could I describe the five-year accomplishments and shortfalls of Jerry Brown's signature education reform in five stanzas? I had to try.
Schools are better places for learning when all children feel included. It doesn't just happen; schools have to work at it.
Some things have changed for the Ed100 team. We're looking for some new help, and we especially need a great full-stack developer!
The psychologist said my son might never learn the multiplication table. "Not on my watch," I thought. He was going to need more practice. My son learned a lot over the weeks that followed. I did, too.
As the holidays approach, I feel thankful for the generations that brought America's children out of the fields and factories. What vision!
The president of the California State Board of Education says special education in California is in "deep trouble." This isn't new news.
There's a lot you don't know about California's education system, right? Here's a reason to learn more about it NOW.
Homework is a giant part of the experience of education. What is its purpose, and does it deliver? How is homework changing?
I started writing what would eventually become Ed100.org more than a decade ago, as a volunteer. Here's why I think it matters.
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