The public education system is more complex than most people realize. School sites. Districts. Counties. The state... who's driving this bus? Ed100 Chapter 7 clears it up.
When students misbehave or disrupt class, teachers and administrators need tools to respond. For generations, one disciplinary tool has been suspension: temporarily removing a misbehaving student from school. Suspensions are tracked in the California School Dashboard. Here's how it works.
When kids miss school it's a warning sign of bad outcomes down the road. The California School Dashboard includes an indicator that focuses on chronic absences. Here's how it works, and why using it might add money to your school's budget.
Ed100 Chapter 6 delves into the "what" and "how" of education, rather than the who, when, why or where. There's a lot to know about, starting with educational standards and curriculum. What do students actually learn in school?
A wave of #Red4Ed teacher protests and strikes have disrupted schools across America. What actually happens in a strike? What's at stake? What is the root cause of this unrest, and what would resolve it?
Number 5 in our series about California's School Dashboard. How well is your school teaching its English Learners? How can you compare?
If you haven’t already made a New Year's resolution, I have a suggestion. Make this the year you earn your Ed100 graduate certificate.
Number 2 in our series about California's School Dashboard. In this post: What does the Dashboard actually DO?
Number 4 in our series about California's School Dashboard. In this post: Measuring your School's performance at teaching English and Math.
Congratulations to Crocker Highlands Elementary school of Oakland, California, the winner of the $1,000 prize in the Ed100 drawing! Congratulations also to the other four winners of the $250 prizes...
Number 3 in our series about California's School Dashboard. In this post: Demystifying the 5 x 5 matrix that rates your school's performance based on "status" and "change".
California's School Dashboard changes the way that schools and districts are evaluated. Here's how it works, part 1.
Socrates, famously, taught on a rock. But most of the time, students learn in schools. What makes a school a place for learning? Why does zip code spell destiny? Should parents have a choice of schools? Ed100 Chapter 5 unpacks the role of place in education.
What policy direction would improve California's education system? A task force of experienced leaders with diverse perspectives reached consensus on an eight-step recommendation. Two members of the task force explain.
California recently received a big, nerdy gift: a set of 36 high-quality, coordinated studies about education in California, involving over 100 top researchers. Here's a summary of the biggest findings.
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