What is Ed100?

Ed100 is a free, self-paced online course that prepares you to make a difference in your school or school district. California's education system is complex and changing fast. Whether you are a parent, a teacher, or a community member, Ed100 helps you learn what you need to know to be informed, credible and ready for action. Each lesson takes about 5 minutes, in English or in Spanish.

Who we are

Ed100 is the work of a small team with a dream: shouldn't it be easier to learn about the education system and get involved in making it better?

  • Jeff
  • Carol
  • Mary
  • Manuel
  • Robin
  • Kaylee

Jeff Camp, the founder and primary writer of Ed100, co-chairs the education work of Full Circle Fund, a non-profit organization of donors and volunteers. Jeff served on the California Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence, and serves on advisory boards for EdSource and Education Trust-West. Prior to his work in education, Jeff worked for Microsoft in the US and Japan. He is also a parent, a songwriter and an astrocytoma survivor.

Many of the lessons and blog posts in Ed100 bear the fingerprints of Carol Kocivar, the former President of the California State PTA. Carol has worked as an attorney, journalist, and ombudsperson. Her two children graduated from the San Francisco public schools.

Robin Klau is a mother of three teenagers and an active member of her local unit and District PTAs. She has over 20 years of communication experience, with a focus on Social Media for nonprofits.

Mary Perry is a writer, advisor and fact-checker for Ed100. For nearly 20 years, Mary served as deputy director of EdSource. A generation of parent leaders learned the vagaries of California education finance from her missives. She is now an independent education consultant.

Manuel Romero, President of SimpleSend, Inc., joined the Ed100 team in 2014. Manuel is the Product Manager and oversees the visual design, software development and Spanish translation.

Kaylee Nguyen, Director of Admissions for the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, is a student at UC Berkeley.

Our supporters

Ed100 is a project of Full Circle Fund, with support from the Stuart Foundation and the Dirk and Charlene Kabcenell Foundation and early support from the Noyce Foundation.

©2003-2025 Jeff Camp
Design by SimpleSend

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