How Will the Election Affect Your School?

by Jeff Camp | November 4, 2014 | 0 Comments
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Elections matter in ways large and small

Whenever election campaigns end, the media machine falls suddenly silent. From your local school board to the halls of Congress, the people elected on November 4 will play a part in the quality of the schools in your community and in California as a whole. But who won? For that matter, who is really responsible for what? Who has the real power?

You can find basic information in Ed100 to help you answer these questions for yourself. Just take a look at Chapter 7. The lessons in this chapter will give you brief, clear explanations of the various parts of "the System," including how the new local control rules fit in.

Who won? Where the Results are Hidden

In even-numbered years there are usually about four hundred ballot items related to education across the state of California

Elections matter for schools. About half of all government money in the state goes toward education, and ballots are routinely loaded with measures that matter for schools. In even-numbered years there are usually about four hundred ballot items related to education in the state of California, most of them local. The Secretary of State’s office posts a record of the results of past elections and is also the go-to place for locating the website for your county’s registrar of voters. Many of them provide election results in real time (or nearly real time) and all will list the local measures that matter most in your community.

Join the Discussion

  • Visit the site for your county's Registrar of Voters using the link above. The membership of your school board has probably changed with the latest election. Who won, and by how many votes?
  • Dig deeper: Was it a close race? Did voters in your district cast votes for the school board positions, or leave that part of the ballot blank?
  • The 2014 California election brought quite a lot of attention to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction, a nonpartisan position. But your district is probably even more influenced by your county. Who is your county superintendent of schools, and how is that position filled?

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