This, our final Ed100 post of 2021, celebrates with a look back at some of the lessons and posts you might have missed. With apologies to Rodgers and Hammerstein…
Students a-dreaming of college admission
Parents aglow at their kids’ erudition
Teachers inspiring children and teens
These are a few of our favorite things.
Schools have advanced beyond number 2 pencils
For ev’ry student now tech is essential
Sal Khan and python and internet memes
These are a few of our favorite things.
Now let us celebrate diverse traditions
Healthy and masked on advice from physicians
Buffeted, battered by butterfly wings
As we remember our favorite things…
There’s a virus
Still a crisis
And it’s looking bad
Let’s simply remember our favorite things
And then we won’t feel so sad
Newsom signed laws with support and new funding
for mental health challenges that need confronting
Market growth brought district budgets some zing
These are a few of our favorite things.
EdSource reports on ed-news as it happens
Like Covid and recalls and votes and reactions.
PPIC tracks opinion-poll swings
These are a few of our favorite things.
Thank you to all of the PTA members
And people who serve in ways under-remembered
Wind beneath every community’s wings
These are a few of our favorite things.
There’s a virus
Still a crisis
And it’s looking bad
So let’s remember our favorite things
And then we won’t feel so sad
Happy holidays from all of us at Ed100!
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