Racism. Protests. Pandemic. Helping our children understand what’s happening makes civic learning even more essential than usual. Is your school up to the task?
The California School Dashboard is the state's main tool for school accountability. Does it work? Steve Rees, founder of School Wise Press, argues that flaws in the Dashboard's design can lead schools and districts to bad decisions.
We have new winners! Was your school among them? Read to find out...
A tsunami is about to wipe out California school budgets like sandcastles on a beach. Unless Congress acts, kids are going to get hurt, and the damage will be long-lasting. California's Education Coalition is calling on parents to speak out, before it's too late.
Every year, California creates a budget for public education. How does that work, actually? Who creates and influences it, and when are the decisions made? How can you get involved and have an influence? This short post explains the basics with tons of pointers to learn more.
When COVID-19 arrived, schools closed without much central coordination. A similar process may play out in reverse as each district decides how and when to re-open, and each family weighs its own choices. State and national education data systems aren't set up to track this.
Too often, teacher appreciation week (the first week of May) passes by unnoticed. This year that won't do. Unless Congress acts, teachers are about to be clobbered by budget cuts triggered by the pandemic. Here's what you can do about it.
Schools and community organizations need to work together to create engaging summer programs, especially now. The key to success is to design programs that support the emotional needs of students, whether online or in person. Jennifer Peck explains.
Just like that, America's public schools have moved online. Unfortunately, millions of students are fenced out of the digital campus, lacking sufficient internet connections and devices at home. What will it take to give every student access to school?
California's education budget is already in worse shape than most people realize. The economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic could clobber education for years. Without prompt federal support, students and teachers are in for a world of hurt. This post breaks it down.
The public education system as we have known is on course to be damaged, badly, by Covid-19. Without decisive action, especially at the federal level, the road will be rough and the harm will last for many years. The plan urgently needs to include summer school.
Even in normal times, millions of families in California depend on school to help feed their children. In the context of a pandemic, basic food service is more urgent than ever. School food systems are rising to the challenge. How are kids getting fed?
A new schedule. Restricted access to friends. Living in close quarters. With schools closed, kids are under stress, too. Here's what parents need to look for, and practical steps you can take to help kids adjust.
The Brown Act, California's open meeting law, plays a big role in how school boards work, even in a pandemic. If you want to influence your board or understand how change happens, you need to understand the rules. Leslie Reckler explains.
Local school boards are the heart of California's public school system. But what do they actually DO? This post begins a series to demystify the role and function of school boards.
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