In an ordinary year about 1,000 bills make it through the legislative process to become law in California. This year a lot of cans were kicked down the road. Here's a roundup of education-related bills that were passed or vetoed, and a list of what's likely to come back next year.
The education policies of Donald Trump and Joe Biden reflect deep philosophical differences. Biden has called for increased support for public schools. Trump has proposed to cut funding for public schools and redirect some of the money toward private and religious schools.
The Ed100 Summer Academy for Student Leaders wasn't just about learning — it was also about connecting for a purpose. Here's a recap of the final day of the conference, what we have learned, and why students in grades 8-12 are already registering for next year's conference.
Powerful new teaching materials help students learn about the role of race in America's past. If he had the power, President Trump says he would ban them in favor of "patriotic education." Carol explains what California's social science frameworks have to say about the matter.
Universal public education is a critical ingredient of a functioning democracy. It should be even more so. The voting age should be lowered so that students learn to vote as part of growing up, argue these students from GENup.
The third day of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders was all about developing an effective vision for change in education. Students in high school today have lived through major disruptions in the education system. Has it worked? What are the big ideas for what comes next, and what is at stake?
Californians will soon be bombarded with messages about Proposition 15, which asks whether taxes on commercial and industrial property should be based on market value. As mail-in ballots arrive in October, the politics will be intense. Carol summarizes what you need to know.
On the second day of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders, hundreds of students learned how to get access to data and policy tools that can make them powerful as advocates. They were also invited to connect with six remarkable organizations.
As school begins with a whole new set of challenges, parents, families and students are struggling with new sources of stress and anxiety. What are the experts recommending to manage it all? Shereen and Carol round up some great advice for schools and parents to help kids cope.
The theme of the first day of the inaugural Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders was Education and Equity. Here's a rundown of what happened, starting with how students prepared for it.
When budgets tighten, districts may be tempted to shirk on their obligation to provide students with a full curriculum, which by definition must include the arts. Carol explains ways for school communities to use the new Learning Continuity Plan to stand up for the arts.
Hundreds of students participated in the inaugural Ed100 Academy for California Student Leaders. Here's the story of how it happened, and how it almost didn't.
This post describes the sessions and speakers for the 2020 Ed100 Academy for California Student Leaders, which was held online July 20-23. Over a thousand high school student leaders applied and 500 participated.
The elected leader of California's vast education system is the Superintendent of Public Instruction. What does this position actually do?
To reopen schools safely will require more funding, not less. Where will it come from? Education advocates argue that it is time for a fresh look at tax breaks that reduce school funding.
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