Why Ed100 Is Giving Away Money, and How Your PTA Can Get It

by Jeff Camp | April 1, 2019 | 0 Comments
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Deadline: June 4

Look, we get it. You WANT to learn more about how the California system works, especially with all the recent changes. It's just so easy to put it off for… later, right?

That's why we hold drawings for Ed100. Basically, they serve as helpful deadlines. A reason to learn now. When you read lessons on Ed100 and pass the quiz questions, you earn chances to win $1,000 for your PTA. The next drawing is June 4, so now is the time. Read some lessons that interest you. Forward this message and invite others at your school to join you. You'll help your PTA win, and you'll help start conversations that matter.

Here are some questions that are answered by lessons on Ed100. Do you know the answers? Are you sure? Click to visit the lessons, learn more and earn tickets. Your PTA might win!

Are test scores in California rising, falling, or staying the same?
May unvaccinated students attend public schools in California?
Where does funding for Special Education come from?
Can students in California evaluate teachers?
California's pension system is in crisis. Have teacher pensions gotten smaller?
If a charter school has terrible results, what happens?

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