Remembering Dirk Tillotson

by Jeff Camp | October 3, 2021 | 1 Comment
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A great voice, silenced

Dirk Tillotson was murdered in his home in Oakland on Friday, October 1, 2021. His wife was also injured in the attack, which was a home invasion.

Students who participated in the summer conference of the Ed100 Academy for Student Leaders will remember Dirk for explaining the role of charter schools in California’s education system. Here's his presentation. My favorite quote from it: "It's really about quality and equity. If we really keep our eye on that — I think we'll make the right decisions."

Caring for kids and adults

Dirk was an important, quiet, trusted voice for kids in Oakland and beyond. He lived all over the world, but I knew him as a Californian and especially as an Oaklander. He was a Berkeley-trained lawyer with a sharp mind, a warm heart, and a full garden.

Many regarded Dirk as an advocate for charter schools, which he often was, but he was always quick to clarify why. He would speak up for any school that could provide a better option for kids. That was his focus. He was good at helping adults keep their focus on the interests of kids, too.

I was a regular reader of his blog, Great School Voices, and I will miss his great voice.

Dirk was a fascinating and generous man who touched many lives. Learn much more about Dirk at this GoFundMe page, where you can give to help support his family.

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Penny October 12, 2021 at 12:13 pm
I vividly remember his presentation and how eager he was to educate student leaders. My condolences to his family, and friends. His impact on the Ed100 academy will always be remembered, along with his passion for equity in education.
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