Crossword Number 1

by Jeff Camp | August 22, 2016 | 0 Comments
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I have enjoyed crosswords for years, and often mused about creating one with an education theme. I mean, how hard could it be, right?

Harder Than I Thought

I started working on it on a flight to the east coast this summer. I kept at it on the flight back. I collected useful feedback from unsuspecting vacationers and relatives. I made adjustments. Obviously, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. If my brow shows new furrows, you know why.

At last, I did manage to craft a puzzle that I hope you will find pleasantly challenging. Will you tell me what you think of it? If you have some friends with an interest in education who also happen to enjoy the NYT crossword at the mid-week level of difficulty, I'm aiming for them. Please forward it on.


For a printable PDF of the blank puzzle and clues, click this link: Back-to-School Ed100 Crossword


1 Two don't make a rite
6 Indian ganja that delivers quite a bhoom
11 Inverted animal
14 Not embossed
15 Tilted stand
16 An exit, for angels (abbr.)
17 Study hard to get it
19 Prefix that makes a duck into a clam
20 A momentary rash
21 Wanderer
23 Toothy circle
26 Education standards for most states
29 What a grumbler has, at least
31 Less expensive tuition
32 Sheltered entry
33 He oversaw new standards
35 A sm. measure of salt
36 College affordability problem
40 School's stdts., collectively
43 Butt
44 Preceded Google Earth
48 College sweaters' org.
51 If Lincoln had been knighted?
52 How high test scores affect your college prospects
55 Share a boundary
56 Press when done
57 Knock topsy-turvy
59 Co. that made graphics boards and chips
60 Site where you can learn most anything online, free
66 Second consonant
67 Digital sultan like an i-king?
68 Pop hitmaker __ Goulding
69 Sheeran and Sullivan
70 Had a soda
71 Vermin like Ramona


1 Adam's contribution
2 Factor of a prime
3 Pre-birth checkup by OB/Gyn
4 What a teacher very rarely does
5 What comes next
6 Implore
7 Place for concubines
8 If the image is too dark, use a higher ___ setting
9 NASA Extragalactic Database
10 Beck and Close
11 Surrounds a giant castle
12 Paintings by Koko the gorilla and Kanzi the bonobo?
13 Why he didn't like philosophy
18 How you get to the top, fast
22 Early in the sch. year
23 Difference in scores
24 Trump's is big
25 Pirate letter
27 Secondary degree
28 Small bills
30 ___ beta kappa
33 Where education gets you
34 AV connector long before HDMI
37 Advanced kind of student
38 Word with mai or chi
39 A call plus a put
40 Done with war
41 Pushed or pulled aside
42 Closest, like, friends
45 A place for white coats
46 UAE capital ___ Dhabi
47 Comes before a spike
49 If Nitrogen and Helium could bond
50 Like wine, or a president after two terms
51 Work should be done to it
53 What a skylight lets
54 A lot for a college?
58 The Nation’s Report Card, officially (abbr.)
61 Clinton campaign slogan “I’m with ___”
62 Org. for MDs
63 Student(s) not fluent in English yet (abbr.)
64 STEM student's dream
65 You got this one, right?

I hope you enjoy the puzzle! If you are a crossword-lover, I would love specific feedback about the clues. Also, please Like on Facebook and share with your friends!

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